On-site medical services
We provide quality onsite medical services for Expatriate and Local staff in remote parts of Uganda.
With all the available resources i.e., trained personnel as well as equipment, Health Promotion International can set up onsite medical clinics in or near your workplace, giving your staff the assurance of prompt medical aid.

Social Risk Management (SRM)
Social risk for a business includes actions that affect the workers and the communities around them. Examples include labor issues, human rights violations within the workforce and host communities such as Sexual Harassment (SH), Sexual Exploitation & Abuse (SEA), Gender Based Violence (GBV) and Violence Against Children (VAC).

Health & Safety management among host communities
Effective stakeholder engagements can significantly reduce road risk by ensuring that all community needs - such as the needs of vulnerable road users - are considered in all stages of infrastructure projects. There is a need, too, to prepare local communities for impending changes to roads (for example, higher speeds or changes in road layout).

Management of Community Health & Safety services
Planning for a safe construction project begins before workers ever set foot on the construction site. Employers need to ensure that their workplace is safe for their workers and for surrounding host communities

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) capacity building and training programs
Growing up in a clean and safe environment is everyone's right. Access to clean water, basic toilets, and good hygiene practices keeps communities thriving.About 8 million Ugandans lack access to safe water.

Resettlement, Rehabilitation & Livelihood Restoration programs
Several communities are subject to involuntary resettlement, especially during the implementation of projects such as infrastructure developments for roads, electricity, water and sanitation, agriculture and most recently oil and gas projects.

Stakeholder engagements & Grievance Redress Services
We are confident in our capacities to meaningfully engage different project stakeholders to ensure sustained support to the various projects being implemented. These engagements are managed through a structured process of stakeholder analysis

Environmental & Social Impact Assessment
We conduct environmental and social compliance audits, Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMP) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for infrastructure projects like in the energy, road and agriculture sectors.